Hi all,
I inform you that the team  SFD-Guinea organized in prelude of Software Freedom Day a series of formations activities, informations activities, of sensitizing and promotion activities under the free software topic. This day was celebrated under the topic "free Software, a solution of reduction of the numerical fracture in Guinea" and was placed under the presidency of its Excellence Mister the Minister for the communication and new information technologies.
A - Formations Activities :
1. of September 10-14: Workshop of initiation to the computer science and the operating system GNU/Linux for the pupils, students and graduates, a number of participation 220 divided into three groups and two levels
2.Atelier of initiation in GNU/Linux and OpenOffice.org for the secretary of the public office and deprived, a number of participant: 38.
3. Workshop ADEN (Support with desenclavement numerical) for the managers of the cybercafés, numbers participants 52. This workshop was deferred fault of financial means
B- Information and sensitizing activities :
1. Animation of two radio transmissions for information and sensitizing
2. Four publi report in the television
C - Activities of promotion
1. the installs partys were organized from the 10 to September 15 2. more than 150 CD-ROOM of Ubuntu and 100 of OpenCD were distributed. One received the request to engrave of more than 180 CD-Room de Ubuntu and OpenCD.
In addition, one received the request of more than 100 new membres to our association.
Actually, we work on the report and we would like to take part in the price of the best organization of SFD2007 but the expiry is very short.
the photos will be soon available on line
