Hi, Alex Gretlein wrote:
I'm trying to edit Melissa Draper's excellent 'What is Open Source?' leaflet using the Scribus source files provided on the SFD wiki and on the geekosophical site (which appear to be slightly different based on md5sums). In either case, Scribus tells me that the .sla files are not in Scribus format. This is with Scribus 1.2.5 on Ubuntu Feisty.
I tried the same thing. If you look at the file in a text editor, there's a version number there : The 'scribus-ng' package in Feisty installs this "developmental branch" version. Unfortunately, I couldn't find an easy way to do a search for all instances of "open source" and replace with "free software", so I gave up :) Matthew. -- Alma Technology - The future is free and open http://www.almatech.net.au ... (02) 6658 1607 ... 0419 242 316 -- http://computerclub.cex.com.au http://www.clublinux.org.au -- Soyez réalistes, demandez l'impossible!