2009/6/19 R. Steven Rainwater <srainwater@ncc.com>:
I just noticed that SFD 2009 is scheduled to occur on International Talk Like a Pirate Day (19 Sep). Is that intentional, perhaps to raise the topic of software piracy or something? Or was it just a coincidence? I'm betting the SFD t-shirts and artwork this year have some sort of pirate theme! :)
Clearly any free software event is going to clash with _something_. It's unfortunate that SFD it clashes with TLAP day in my opinion. There is a completely inappropriate connection between real-world pirates (currently Somalian coast etc) and their copyright-breaching namesakes. I don't see that a Free software event would want to be remotely connected with either of those no-go areas. As far as I'm concerned TLAP day is one of those internet memes that should have died long ago with hampster dance and rickrolls, and shouldn't be connected with a serious event such as SFD. Cheers, Al.