Sept. 12, 2018
8:53 a.m.
Hi All, Due to some arrangement issues, we shifted our SFD to 22nd of September, Event page : https://www.facebook.com/events/2275082296048544/ Registration Link : http://rsvp.lk/fosslk/software-freedom-day-18/ Event sponsored by Apigate , WSO2 ,Syscolabs, OpenSuse and supported by a couple of orgs and communities. We'll giveaway cool swags (t-shirts, stickers etc ) all participants and of course refreshments as well. The venue only capable of handling 250 people, :) Thanks. -- Ruwan Ranganath M.Sc in CS ( Security Engineerig ) - UoM ( Reading ) Software Engineer -DevOps at WSO2.Telco Representative & CAC - Mozilla