On 02/17/2013 10:05 AM, Marcos Marado wrote:
Hi there,
* Is SFD's wiki gone?
Yes and no. As mentioned here http://www.softwarefreedomday.org/en/blog/206-wiki-under-maintenance we had to do some work on the wiki. The current status is that the wiki farm is usable which is why both HFD and CFD wikis are back up. For SFD there are about 1200 spam pages which I need to clean up and that is being worked on.
* Are you aquainted with http://hardwarefreedomday.org/ ?
The domain was registered and unused by someone who organizes SFD in his city. We tried to get the domain back over a year ago and then that person replied he would make one HFD for himself first and then let us have the domain. At the end he changed his mind and decided not to let us have the domain. So except for the few email exchanges we had, and the fact that he organizes SFD regularly and called his team Software Freedom Day International last year, we are not related to that individual. Fred