On 6/13/07, Matthew Davidson <mjd@almatech.net.au> wrote:
It occurred to me that it would be nice to encourage some people from further afield to come up (or down) to Coffs to give presentations on whatever cool things they're doing with free software. In fact, beyond my own selfish need for new speakers at our own event, there may be quite a few people around the world willing to travel a bit to spread the word beyond their usual circle on whatever they're doing. I'm thinking that it would be generally useful if people based in major metropolitan areas offered their services to teams in more regional areas, even if it's just the next town up the road.
Kim and I are heading to Mt Gambier in SE SA so its a thought we've been having over here too. There might be some folks in other regional areas that might like to see Coffs in the Spring. You're welcome in SE SA if you'd like a change of scenery yourself. Cheers Janet