Hi all, The Software Freedom International Board will be aiming for United Nations recognition of Software Freedom Day as a day of international importance for 2008. We wanted to let you all know so that you can try extra hard to keep track of the numbers and successes you have over Software Freedom Day, as it will all contribute to our case in helping the world understand the importance of Software Freedom. If anyone would like to help us with this quest, please let us know, or even reply to this post with your thoughts. We feel strongly that Software Freedom underpins our basic human rights in a highly digital world, and so want to help the UN understand and promote software freedom as a way to maintain our human rights: http://softwarefreedomday.org/SoftwareFreedom There are already United Nations projects that are strongly supportive of FOSS such as IOSN (http://www.iosn.net/), UNESCO (http://www.unesco.org/cgi-bin/webworld/portal_freesoftware/cgi/page.cgi?d=1) and more, but SFD is as yet not a "Special Day" on their website (http://www.un.org/events/) nor is Software Freedom spoken about officially, something to work towards :) Thank you all for your participation and in taking Software Freedom to your communities! Cheers, Pia -- Software Freedom Day 2007 http://softwarefreedomday.org/