1. In respect to localisation we wish to work on Edubuntu and Fedora. some work has been done in Ghanaian languages, viz Ewe, Akan with Ubuntu but nothing on EDubuntu and Fedora. Moreover, use of Fedora is negligible and we would like to promote this os. 2. wireless broadband internet is available. the USB installation would be highly appreciated if live DVDs are not available. Nevertheless, download is an additional skill that can be taught and learnt. Yours sincerely, Traugott On 4 August 2017 at 12:01, Benson Muite <benson.muite@ut.ee> wrote:
Thanks. Questions: 1) Localisation would be of great interest - do you have software in mind? Maybe can coordinate on this. 2) What kind of internet connection is available at the location? Download and USB installation could be an alternative. Would also enable collaboration on localisation.
On 08/04/2017 01:49 PM, Traugott Dew wrote:
The sfd event in Ghana local team 2 is to be held at Lartebiokoshie. A workshop on content building using opensource tool is to be held. Parallel events are 1. instalfest where newbies shall be introduced to installing os and will receive installation cds when we have them available 2. localisation seminar we are using laptops of varying specifications and desktop computers. Individuals are bringing their laptops some with 64bit and others 32 bit. Our contact address is The Education &Communication Officer Ghana Libre Opensource society C/o G. S. Gbadegbe No 11 Nasia street, Lartebiokoshie P.O. Box MP 242 Mamprobi- Accra