Quoting getty musiiwa <getttty@yahoo.co.uk>:
Hi Rob,
I am so glad to learn that there will a SFD event in the UK and hopefully one that I can attend considering that I am in the country.
Last year I was the team manager for the SFD 2006 with a woman's organisation called Linux Chix Zimbabwe. If you remember we won the 1st prize world wide. I would like to help with you in organising your event because of my previous experience.
Send me an email and give more detail on what you plan the event to be like.
Thanks Getty, Any help would be gratefully received. I'll send you a quick e-mail off list detailing what we're thinking of doing. We're in the initial stages at the moment trying to secure a location and confirm the details but I'll let you know what we have come up with so far. Ta, Rob