On Tue, May 12, 2020 at 11:30 AM <sfd-discuss-request@sf-day.org> wrote:
Being a grass root event we probably need to let each team decide what they want to present (topic - time - language). That could mean more than 1 streaming channel necessary if we offer the streaming capabilities.
Would be nice to let each group choose the software they use to communicate (hopefully a FLOSS one). Depending on what devices/computers people have available in their area, some software solutions will work for some people, some may not. Some people may not have access to high Internet speed or bandwidth. Maybe an IRC chat in some areas as opposed to Jitsi or BigBlueButton would be good for some groups. I'm hoping we can be as inclusive as possible for people to join in, so using different software/mediums should let us reach more people. So many of the virtual events going on now are leaving people out if they don't have the latest hardware/software/best Internet speeds. The SFD organization as a whole could attempt to help schedule the groups so there's as little overlap as possible and people can attend multiple events if they want. The SFD can also be a central place to let people know the schedule of events and where/how to access them. That would put most of the effort on the individual groups and the SFD could concentrate on organization, coordination and helping get the word out via their web site/wiki.
Also I feel there are basic topics which should roll all over the day such as introduction to FOSS, How to start, communities nearby, etc but this is only one opinion.
For topics that are very general and introductory, it might be nice to have a web, blog or wiki post that we could refer attendees to. Even if some of the groups plan to cover the topics again, it could be useful to have something at the SFD site that points to written or pre-recorded videos of that information that could be called up at any time. Also, would be nice in some cases to provide transcripts if possible especially if someone's hearing impaired. It might be interesting to go through the Linux and Free Software groups listed at https://gettogether.community/ and see if any of them want to participate virtually this year in SFD. We could invite them.
We could do bi-weekly (as in twice a month) IRC meetings with people interested to organize something and see if anything comes out of it.
If you get something up on IRC, please share the meeting info. My main laptop died and I'm using an older laptop. It's taking forever for the new computer I ordered to arrive by mail order. It's very hit and miss for me as to what software will work and what won't. I can get Jitsi working but that's via an Android tablet. Zoom which everyone else seems to be using just crashes. Haven't used IRC on my laptop in ages. Will have to see if the software is even working. I know there were some changes with freenode and some of the other servers to add authentication that made some of my FLOSS IRC software clients unusable with certain servers. Look forward to SFD 2020.