Hi Edgar Ref: Edgar "Fast Edi" Hoffmann <kontakt@freiesoftwareog.org> 17.09.2013 18:08
Am 17.09.2013 15:31, schrieb Visvanath Ratnaweera:
What do you have or recommend for a handout in German? I'm thinking of anything between 3 to 12 pages, nicely formattes as in computer magazines, if possible. That depends on what do you want to transport or tell the people. Do you need a brief flyer or something more in-depth?
I might have some material from our community.
This should be an introduction to those who have heard of Free Software but never used and may be a bit sceptical. Many of them are investigating because of the wave of spy scandals. As I said, we can make color prints of upto max. 12 pages. Which means it can go beyound mere "ideology" but present practical examples. I did a web search and noted the following links. For me good printing quality is important, so we don't want to just print web pages. - http://wiki.zum.de/Freie_Software_in_der_Schule - http://www.bytewise.at/texte/freie-software.pdf - http://www.mapmedia.de/open-source - http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freie_Software - http://kilianmuster.com/blog/warum-freie-software-wichtig-ist - https://www.bsi-fuer-buerger.de/BSIFB/DE/MeinPC/OpenSourceSoftware/FragenUnd... - http://perspektive89.com/2006/12/26/kulturtechnik_software_warum_organisatio... - http://fsfe.org/freesoftware/transcripts/rms-fs-2006-03-09.de.html GrĂ¼sse! Visvanath