Dear team leaders, We've put the form online for you to participate and submit your event report. We'll select (as every year) 3 of the best submission and you'll get a chance to win both a Makerbot and Richard Stallman's signed Essais. Note that the rules have slightly been modified from last year and are available here: http://www.softwarefreedomday.org/en/competition The form itself is available here: http://cgi.softwarefreedomday.org/event_report.html As some of the teams are still celebrating SFD until middle of the month, the deadline for the submissions is October 2010 31st at 12h00 UTC. So good luck to all, a HUGE thank you to all our sponsors and more specifically for the competition Richard Stallman and Bre Pettis from Makerbot, without whom we wouldn't be able to distribute those 2 great gifts to the winning entries. Best to all of you! Frederic Muller SFI President