On 2/2/21 3:28 PM, Ruwan Ranganath wrote:
From the DFF perspective what sort of details should be put into the planning phase ? if you can share a previous year planning document to refer , we might be able to start something for this year as well with considering current pandemic situation .
Previous years were very different in the sense that SFD was a face-to-face event led by communities around the world in their own areas. I think the community-led direction is still the right one, but face-to-face not much. We do not have the infrastructure or experience to do online events, nor should we be hosting an event for everyone online. With that in mind the question is how do we do SFD 2021(1) (as it seems most likely we'll be in the same situation as 2020) and how do we communicate about it(2)? 2 will be easier once 1 is clear. 1 options are: a. Face-to-face like before when it makes sense (does it?) b. Online for the rest of the teams \- How (which software, which organization type)? \- How do we present it on the website since anyone can now attend any "place" event? \- Does a location map still make sense versus a language and/or time-zone based representation? c. A mix of online and face-to-face: probably we can define that as in a 2nd phase maybe. Or maybe it's an extension of "online only" SFD events where organizers can decide that meeting face to face is allowed up to x number of people (based on country/city/size of the venue) but that the event is mainly broadcasted. So those are our thoughts at the moment. Please feel free to compliment or extend. Thank you. Fred