Hi all, I've registered almost a month or more before. I have a bunch of questions but would use a single mail to query a single question. I registered on the wiki using my name and other things which were required or was told is nice to have on the wiki. After I did that I tried to see how many others have done something similar. Almost all the people who are in Category homepage of the wiki haven't put up anything more than their e-mail addresses. It might be they have privacy concerns or something else altogether. Also was confused as to where to put the picture. A suggestion is when people are putting up their own page it should also give a link to some person (maybe from softwarefreedomday.org itself) which makes it easier for people to have something to use/build on. Alternatively, how or where should we post our contact details so people at softwarefreedomday.org know where to send the packs and perhaps interact on a regional level. All any ideas, suggestions, alternatives are welcomed :) -- Regards, Shirish Agarwal This email is licensed under http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/ 065C 6D79 A68C E7EA 52B3 8D70 950D 53FB 729A 8B17