Hi! I gave you a few tips on the IRC channel, we also have a letter with SFI letterhead which you can customize, print and provide to the custom officers as a proof that you're a valid SFD team. Don't hesitate to give them our website url, your wiki team page and the map URL page where they can find you. The more motivated you are the more chances you have to convince them to let the CDs go. http://wiki.softwarefreedomday.org/Resources/CustomLetter Hope this help. Fred On 09/05/2011 10:59 PM, Shrinivasan T wrote:
We, ILUGC team from chennai, India http://wiki.softwarefreedomday.org/2011/India/Chennai/IndianLinuxUsersGroupC...
received a call from TNT to get the goodies parcel.
They ask us for the customs duty.
Is there any possible to get it as duty free?
Is there any India Team gets is duty free?
Thanks a lot for the parcel.