On 07/20/2010 12:26 PM, Arif Syamsudin wrote:
On 07/19/2010 08:45 PM, Frederic Muller wrote:
Oh and by the way, the direct link to registering your team is here http://cgi.softwarefreedomday.org/register.html after creating your team page<http://wiki.softwarefreedomday.org/CreateYourTeampage> of course.
Any question please let us know.
dear friends,
we have here indonesia linux conference (ilc) that held annually. this year, the event is being held in a series of activities. the question is, we wish to have the event consider as a softwarefreedomdays event. is it possible? looking forward to hear from you guys soon. thank you :).
[0] http://indonesialinuxconference.org/a/ [1] http://bogor.linux.or.id/wiki/ILC2010
ps. sorry for the sites are written in bahasa indonesia
Dear Arif, From looking at the website I see the event date seems to be around October (can't be sure). I am not exactly sure what you're trying to achieve in fact. If you want to participate in SFD you need to organize an SFD event on September 18th (or around that date assuming you have good reasons to change it). I see you're already organizing a Linux conference so why would you want your event to be considered a SFD event since it's a Linux conference? Quite different objectives in my views. Looking forward to getting your answers. Fred