On 07/24/2010 12:15 AM, shirish शिरीष wrote:
Addition in-line :-
2010/7/23 shirish शिरीष<shirishag75@gmail.com>:
Hi all, Made the registration and everything anew at http://wiki.softwarefreedomday.org/2010/Asia/India/Pune/SFDPune . Its just a plug as of right now, when I get more time will do it better. Its something to do in the meantime. I also added the city and the details so people from the city can just add the team directly.
Now what's the procedure for getting the goodies this time around ? Shouldn't there have been a place where I could send my address in the form itself.
Disregard the last line. I do get an error while trying to fill the same in the registeration .
If there are errors or mistakes during registeration it should highlight them. It doesn't do that right now.
It says
I filled the whole thing and still it says http://wiki.softwarefreedomday.org/2010/Pune/SFDPune
The URL is wrong. wiki page should have year (2010) and continent (Asia) then country (India) and then your city etc... There is a good guide to follow here: http://wiki.softwarefreedomday.org/CreateYourTeampage Hope that helps. Fred
does that need to be verified or something/ some permissions issue perhaps ? Please look into the same.
All for now. Btw like the new theme on the wiki. Its definitely an improvement as is the changeover to OSM . Like it.