I'm planning to do SFD 2021 online again this year. Last year I did it in conjunction with LibreMiami using Jitsi. We were the only ones who showed, but it was a lot of fun. I also had to run the event the week before the usual SFD date, so that and unclear communication of timezone differences may have prevented some people from attending. I advertised SFD on social media a lot last year. I shared the wiki link so people could find events they were interested in. I know the Computer Science Teachers Association was talking about Software Freedom Day after I brought up the subject. Don't know if any of them did private events for their students or attended some of the online world events. Was curious, for those who did something online last year, how was the turn out? Did any guests have trouble connecting to the event because they weren't sure when or where or for other reasons? I think doing things online for areas where the logistics of an in person gathering are an issue is a great idea. I also think doing it online allows more people from different areas to attend. Some conventions that moved online last year and are going back to doing it in person will continue to do a hybrid approach to reach people who can't travel to attend the event. If any of the various groups around the world want to coordinate so that people can go from one event in one timezone to another afterwards in another timezone, I think that would be a really nice idea. Recently attended a series of events on climate change online. They were all put on by different people and you signed up for each event. However, one web site organized it all and listed all the events with their descriptions so you could sign up for the ones you were interested in. It was really well done. It was also nice to be able to attend events hosted in other countries and find out about how things are there. Everyone having a shared goal was enough to bring the whole thing together. Would really like to see SFD do something similar. They wouldn't be responsible for the events, just for being a central place where people could learn about the events being hosted by various groups around the world and how to attend them. Sincerely, Laura