Am 24.07.2010 08:23, schrieb safrida big gradation:
i don't know how to give you're a feed back. i hope so the software freedom day international supporting SAFRIDA 2010 or KSL-BL Indonesia. because limited language in English conversation. Hope you're guys in there give a support. i'm sorry for my English. What there is of you who can speak Indonesia??
I am happy to see our first team from Indonesia. I hope that some teams from the past will also join again. Google translate helped me understanding your last sentence ;) It told me you said "could you please help me .. I am not fluent in English. Thanks a lot .." I can understand that. ;-) Hope you enjoy preparing for SFD Regards, Thilo -- XING: https://www.xing.com/profile/Thilo_Pfennig - LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/tpfennig SFD 2010 http://softwarefreedomday.org/