
I would also available if need any contribution with the checklist, 


On Tue, Jun 13, 2023 at 4:42 AM Frederic Muller - DFF <fred@digitalfreedomfoundation.org> wrote:

Sorry I was in hospital for a week and it took me an extra week to
recover. And now the sky is falling over my head...

Thank you for the prompt answers (some which I initially didn't
receive). Subscription to this list is done on this page:

Websites needs to be updated I guess...

ok so let me try to start with a short version:

general maintenance tasks:
. VPS administration
. Website updates (Joomla! currently)
. Sponsors searching & securing
. Wiki cleanup

Yearly tasks for each event:
. Slight updates to website to reflect the new date
. We used to create new yearly designs for SFD at least. We no longer
do. Not a must but if the team is big enough it's doable
. Registration script update
. Wiki updates
. Registration soft launch (to see if any problem)
. Registration launch
. Marketing for teams participation (FB, Mastodon, Twitter, Slashdot,etc...)
. Sponsors communication (especially press which needs to be done early)
. Schwag design and creation if there is budget, which there isn't at
the moment.
. Schwag packing shipping 2+ months prior to event

Upgrades needed:
. SFD website
. HFD website remake
. DFD website
. Registration script probably needs to be rewritten as it's Python 2.x
and it could be much better
. Wiki migration as Moinmoin 2.x doesn't seem to be coming. We thought
of DokuWiki as a replacement but... we won't be here.

So now whole DFF board is resigning and it's all DFF events (SFD, DFD,
HFD). There is no replacement but we did talk to a few people in the
past, with poor success I would say (we've become really bad at
communicating among other things).

Hope it covers most of the things.

Thank you.


On 31/05/2023 15:59, Jurgen Gaeremyn wrote:
> Thank you.
> Where can one subscribe to this mailing list? I don't see any links in
> the footer for the mailman panel.
> Given the current board is resigning (who is on this board? is this the
> board of digitalfreedomfoundation - so all the events - or only SFD?),
> is there a new board that is starting? How many people do you
> realistically need? I'm willing to take up some responsibility (but not
> take over SFD completely).
> Is there some overview of what the current workload is? Just a matter of
> knowing what needs to be done, and what skills and time we need to take
> into account.
> I would like to invite everyone doing SFD locally to join the Matrix
> chat at https://matrix.to/#/#SoftwareFreedomDay:matrix.org
>  From in there, we can look into what can be done with the website and
> the SFD ecosystem.
> For sure I want to thank you for the 20 years or so that you have been
> pulling the SFD wagon! You've inspired me with the initiative and I
> think you actually turned it into a global event. Now let's hope it
> stays one for the long run. I thing Software Freedom is more important
> than ever!
> Grtz,
> Jurgen
> On 30/05/2023 12:14, Frederic Muller - DFF wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> It seems my message didn't go out very well. So I am resending it.
>> Mailing lists have moved to mailman3.com domain and is now:
>> sfd-discuss@mailman3.com
>> The current board is also resigning. I'll stay around to help out and
>> ensure SFD runs again this year.
>> If anyone wants to take over please let us know.
>> Thank you.
>> Fred
>> On 05/05/2023 14:16, Jurgen Gaeremyn wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> We're planning for Software Freedom Day 2023 in Hackerspace Brussels
>>> (hey... it's our 20th edition, we should celebrate!) We picked the
>>> topic "Freedom in education"
>>> Is anyone else doing SFD this year? I haven't seen a lot of activity
>>> on the mailinglist. Maybe we could meet in a Matrix channel? I
>>> created #SoftwareFreedomDay:matrix.org where we could coordinate and
>>> exchange ideas)
>>> Grtz,
>>> Jurgen
SFD-discuss mailing list -- sfd-discuss@mailman3.com
To unsubscribe send an email to sfd-discuss-leave@mailman3.com

Ruwan Ranganath