2010/9/13 Dev Anand Teelucksingh <devtee@gmail.com>
The Trinidad and Tobago Computer Society (TTCS) announces the availability of the TTCS FSWIN CD (http://ttcsweb.org/fswin-cd), a collection of Free Software for Windows, for download.
Free Software is software that meets the Free Software Foundation's (FSF) definition : http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html ;
This is great news!" It is very important to promote freedom in the CD this way. Congratulations. :-) Is there some documentation that explains the impoirtance of using ONLY libre software on the CD? -- Saludos/Greetings Quiliro Ordóñez 593(2)340 1517 / 593(9)821 8696 Even The Troops Are Waking Up <http://tinyogg.com/watch/My8SB/> ACTA – Un acuerdo que puede garantizar la crucificción de internet<http://quiliro.wordpress.com> GNU should mean "GNU's not Ubuntu!<http://quidam.cc/03-03-2010/gnu-should-mean-gnus-not-ubuntu> "Lo único que se necesita para que triunfe el mal es que los hombres de bien no hagan nada." Sergei Bondarchuk Estas son opiniones personales y no representan la posición de organización alguna.