Each year SFD resurects the distracting half forgoten acronym FLOSS. Un-used in English & German circles here, though I'm very keen on free source software: & use that exclusively & promoted it for maybe 20 or 30 years, organised SFD's, stands at exhibitions, lectures etc). (PS Was the etymology of the acronym FLOSS to appeal to French speakers ? the `Libre' repeating the `Free'?) For the public, the acronym is a distraction to look up when they're already puzzling why we work so hard to evangelise something we give away: Free Source Software - Something for Nothing for them ! - "What's the Catch ?" is what they're trying to figure. So we toss them a contrived Acronym, & expect them to think we're not even weirder ? ;-) There are simple words such as Linux & BSD to tell people to search for. Not for https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Floss Mentioning floss just invites MS addicts in an audience to heckle with jokes about about teeth. The acronym is not in pages I write, eg http://www.berklix.org/free/ http://www.berklix.org/bim/ http://www.berklix.org/~jhs/ except under http://www.berklix.org/sfd/ Cheers, Julian -- Julian Stacey, Consultant Sys. Engineer, BSD Linux http://berklix.com/jhs/ Crash Brexit Dec. 2020 paid by speculators. http://berklix.uk/brexit/#money Contraception V. Global warming, pollution, wars for resources.