I cannot believe Software Freedom Day is almost upon us. If you haven't been able to spark, ignite or find a local event, I started this list of virtual events: https://wiki.softwarefreedomday.org/onlineevents Here's hoping that anyone who wants to participate in Software Freedom Day this year can do so. If your group is running a virtual or hybrid event, streaming part of your program or recording it for later, please feel free to add your information to the list. You can post about it to this mailing list or email me and I'll add it to the wiki. If you're looking for some Free Software to demonstrate that doesn't require installation, here's a list of web based FLOSS anyone can try out: https://lmemsm.dreamwidth.org/28233.html I try to keep a list of FLOSS projects in honor of Software Freedom Day. The list is a bit old and I'm hoping I'll still be able to update it before tomorrow, but I wanted to share it in hopes others will find some interesting programs and resources they may not be familiar with: http://www.distasis.com/cpp/pbtc.htm Lawrence Lessig's free ebook on Free Culture is a pretty good read. If you have a list of resources or software recommendations for your celebrations, feel free to share them here. I can add them to the wiki as well. If you want to give away prizes this year, don't forget the following contests: https://www.digitalfreedomfoundation.org/index.php/173-fsf-freedom-challenge https://wiki.softwarefreedomday.org/SFDSongContest Plus, there are plenty of great virtual prizes you can share such as links to your favorite FLOSS programs and Creative Commons and public domain multimedia (such as ebooks, audio books, music, games, etc.). Hope everyone has a very enjoyable Software Freedom Day, 2023. Happy 20th edition!