Hi all, Firstly I just want to say that it would be great if everyone could please try to keep the tone on this mailing list very positive and constructive. We all come together in the spirit of software freedom to achieve something pretty damn special, and to that end we need to all recognise in each other an ally in the fight for software freedom, while being respectful of our differences in opinion. Secondly we will be pulling together the statistics of this years event and doing a bit press release about it in the coming days. If teams could please a) fill in the team report if you haven't already done so http://cgi.softwarefreedomday.org/event_report.html b) post here (on sfd-discuss) any quotes or particular points of interest about your day that may be included in the press release :) c) link any press coverage you had to the press page here http://softwarefreedomday.org/press Thank you all. It was truly the biggest and best event yet and we have you all to thank for putting you time, passion and energy into helping make the world a better place through software freedom. Some stats so far! - Over 330 teams - Over 90 countries - Over 70,000 unique visitors to the website, of which the Software Freedom page was one of the most read! http://softwarefreedomday.org/SoftwareFreedom - Thousands of photos, blog posts and press. Cheers, Pia -- Software Freedom Day 2007 http://softwarefreedomday.org/