Hello Software Freedom Friends,

There is currently no event taking place at TUXEDO on site, but they are working to make sure that there will be a possibility. To shorten the waiting time and to draw attention to this special day and the important topic, they will send a TUXEDO-Linux-Fan-Package!

Tell them why you love Software Freedom Day and have a look at their website, see if there's something that stands out in their products. Tell them something you like about it or tell about your personal TUXEO, when you have one.

Send your email to getyourgift@tuxedocomputers.com and put your postal address in there so they can send you a personal Software Freedom Day gift. 


P.S. Annika at TUXEDO promises your information will only be used to send you your gift. You won't land into any newsletter or subscription. But if you want to get informed for new TUXEDO devices or about interesting Linux news, you’re welcome to subscribe to their newsletter.