[Dillo-dev]FOSDEM 2005
Hi there, Good news here! After a lot of careful diligencies and a lot of work, it is official now. Dillo will be presented at FOSDEM 2005 (Feb 26, 27). I'll go to Belgium and give a conference at FOSDEM's embedded track. This is very good news for the project because some contacts can be made with a view to fund the future of the project, Dillo will gain more exposure in Europe, and because I'll also meet with Sebastian in Germany and we'll work together on some pending issues and the future of Dillo. This effort has brought a pile of work on my side, and given its importance, I assigned top priority to it and that's the reason for me being silent on the list in the past weeks. I'll try to briefly answer some pending threads, but as I'm not at home now and having still much to do (prepare the conference, trip, lots of emails, schedule, expenditures, etc.), please don't expect much feedback from me these days. For those of you living in Europe, and that think it may be interesting to meet, or have a contact opportunity in your country that may thrive, please let me know. This is a very long distance trip to make to miss the opportunity of taking chances. Ah, if you have some for fun or for pleasure ideas, those will be considered too! :-) Especially near the end of this trip. -- Best wishes. Jorge.-
participants (1)
Jorge Arellano Cid