Https remote certificate cannot be verified

The "The remote certificate cannot be verified (code 20)" dialog popup window, that presumably pops up when accessing an unverifiable https site, often pops up many times while loading a page -- probably a separate instance for each image? Can it not pop up only once? (per unverifiable https domain?) (And perhaps the current window title "Choice5" could be a bit more informative? And maybe there should be an option to save such certificates to avoid future warnings?)

Dennis wrote:
The "The remote certificate cannot be verified (code 20)" dialog popup window, that presumably pops up when accessing an unverifiable https site, often pops up many times while loading a page -- probably a separate instance for each image? Can it not pop up only once? (per unverifiable https domain?)
I think everyone wants that, and we just need someone to put in the work.
(And perhaps the current window title "Choice5" could be a bit more informative? And maybe there should be an option to save such certificates to avoid future warnings?)
IIRC, adding an option to save certificates would be easy. I was sort of thinking about it once, but my concern was that not too many users would quite understand that they were now trusting something in perpetuity that they shouldn't necessarily. (Maybe making sure that the warning is alarming enough would suffice, though.)
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