Hi! Those who have reported crashes in selection, please checkout the latest CVS and test again. In some cases, a_Selection_button_press does not set the limits (selection->from and selection->to), but then leaves the selection state as NONE. So there must be an extra check, a_Selection_button_release and a_Selection_button_motion should only react at selection state SELECTION. Sebastian
On Thu, May 08, 2003 at 10:25:07PM +0200, Sebastian Geerken wrote:
Those who have reported crashes in selection, please checkout the latest CVS and test again.
hi sebastian, dillo (cvs) core dumps when clicking on a form button, holding down the mousebutton and dragging the mouse out of the button, or when releasing the mousebutton within the form button. so once you move the mouse while clicking a form button dillo's gone. looks like a problem with selection code to me, and it's propably pretty easy for you to fix, so i won't bother trying it myself. :P have a nice day, raphael
participants (2)
Raphael Barabas
Sebastian Geerken