[Dillo-dev]Parser orthogonalization

Hi there, A few days ago I finished the: [1] Orthogonalize the parser (leaks, XML, CSS) task from the list. I didn't commit it inmediately because of the pthreads issue we're still workint in (it showed as a parser bug when in fact it was elsewhere). Now the large parser patch is commited (a 70KB beast!). From the ChangeLog: <q> * Orthogonalized the generic parser: - Fixes memory leaks and widget state when recovering from bad HTML. - Improves error detection and validation (needed by XHTML). - Makes DOC tree generation possible (needed by CSS). - Cleaner design of handling routines for bad HTML. - Orthodox treatment of double optional elements (HTML, HEAD, BODY). - Lots of minor code cleanups. </q> That's the summary. Now tags are always pushed into the stack when they're found and the respective closing functions are always called when finishing them, no matter if this is triggered by an explicit tag, optional close, or bad-HTML cleanup. This is very important because of the above explained reasons. The routines for handling HTML cleanup (optional, magic and bad HTML) were mostly isolated into three functions: Html_test_section() Html_stack_cleanup_at_open() Html_tag_cleanup_at_close() (fairly commented in the source). In brief: the good news of all of this patch is that it makes much easier to understand, improve and maintain the parser (eventually to chop, merge or reuse too), fixes memory handling, widget creation state, validation, and is also good for future CSS, XHTML. For instance, look at the new <P> and </P> tag treatment at: http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/eserver/articles/framework.html Now, I'm back to pthreads, ah, and I have more cleanups already done waiting for commit, some patches pending, the usual stuff! -- Cheers Jorge.-
participants (1)
Jorge Arellano Cid