I've looked into this a little more and what I had originally proposed is not possible for the simple reason that so many of these sites use Javascript for Dynamic HMTL purposes for example displaying login errror messages and the actual login form . It would make sense to try and implement full javascript support. To get Javascript support, Dillo would have to have DOM (Document Object Model) implemented into it. I've had a look at the dpi documentation and from what I can gather is if there was a javascript dpi, Dillo would send a page to a dpi, the dpi does processing and then send the modified page back to Dillo to display. It poses the question whether it put been more efficient to put javascript into a dpi or into Dillo itself? I've had a quick look at the spidermonkey document and I think I know how it works although I'll have to tinker around with the code to get my heard round it Hopefully, I can then have a better picture on what would be required to implement it into Dillo. I just want to say that after looking through some of other document and I'm impressed with the way Dillo is being taken forward especially the documenation which has helped me understand how the program works. _________________________________________________________________ View your Twitter and Flickr updates from one place ? Learn more! http://clk.atdmt.com/UKM/go/137984870/direct/01/
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