Hello! I have a draft of directions for building Dillo on Cygwin: http://www.hyperborea.org/software/dillo/cygwin.html Please let me know if anything is missing, wrong, or unclear. Thanks! Kelson Vibber www.hyperborea.org
Thanks! I tried it in my office where I have cygwin+xfree already installed, and it was really easy. I did not have the problem with /usr/local/... for gtk. How difficult would it be to use dynamic libraries? If you give me a few hints, I'm willing to experiment in that direction. Best, EG -- En reponse de "[Dillo-dev] Directions for building on Cygwin (draft)" de Kelson Vibber, le 23-Jul-2003 :
Hello! I have a draft of directions for building Dillo on Cygwin:
Please let me know if anything is missing, wrong, or unclear.
Kelson Vibber www.hyperborea.org
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------------------------------------------------------------------------ Eric GAUDET <eric@rti-zone.org> Le 23-Jul-2003 a 18:55:27 "Parler pour ne rien dire et ne rien dire pour parler sont les deux principes majeurs et rigoureux de tous ceux qui feraient mieux de la fermer avant de l'ouvrir." ------------------------------------------------------------------------
participants (2)
Kelson Vibber