Sorry, I didn't sent e-mail to mailing list. 2009/1/18 furaisanjin <furaisanjin@gmail.com>:
Hi all.
2009/1/18 Hofmann Johannes <Johannes.Hofmann@gmx.de>:
On Sat, Jan 17, 2009 at 11:51:37PM +0900, furaisanjin wrote:
Sorry, I mixed up 2 things. I guess default font is something I specified in ~/.dillo/style.css if dillo can't find any fonts specified in style. It seems that there is some timing issue when the page is loaded. The first time somehow the page is unreadable but if I goto to bookmark page and come back to the page, the page is readable.
Argh, timing issues are bad. Can you please point me to a page where this happens?
It seems that there are lots. I notice that Html_tag_open_meta doesn't repush when charset is detected anymore. So I modified codes like this.
/* Cannot ask cache whether the content type was changed, as * this code in another bw might have already changed it for us. */ if (a_Misc_content_type_cmp(html->content_type, new_content)) { + a_Nav_repush(html->bw); + html->stop_parser = true; html->repush_after_head = true; }
This helps. I may not need to keep html->repush_after_head = true but I'm not sure.
I was wrong. This doesn't help all cases. The problem seems that when the page is repushed, somehow decoder_charset isn't called so that charset conversion doesn't happens.
Another issue is that if style sheet specified none Japanese font and the font exists on my machine, then of course the page isn't readable at all. This isn't dillo problem but style sheet problem.
Do you have an example? How does firefox handle these pages?
This (http://furaisanjin.blog.so-net.ne.jp) is one example. Firefox shows something like this (http://furaisanjin.blog.so-net.ne.jp/_images/blog/_9f7/furaisanjin/firefox.P...) and this is readable. However dillo shows something like this (http://furaisanjin.blog.so-net.ne.jp/_images/blog/_9f7/furaisanjin/dillo.png) and I can see only dotted squares.
Style sheet page contains
#banner h1{ margin:0; padding:80px 0 0 14px; font-size:36px; font-family: Helvetica; }
and Helvetica isn't suitable for Japanese.
Regards, furaisanjin
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