Hmm, looks like I picked the wrong week to unsubscribe... (it's been a busy semester so I'm trying to cut back on distractions and inbox clutter) Roger wrote:
I had the pleasure of trying out Dillo win32 and I must say I like it. (Itstarts a heck of alot faster then that bloated green lizard thing ... sorry,the name doesn't come to mind right now. ;-) Only one or two things. 1) When I first installed it. I was completely stumped as to how to use thebookmarks. I was trying to add a bookmark without going to the actual sitefirst. One thing that could really eleviate all this, is by setting a fewpreset default bookmarks (ie. www.google.com, and other favorite searchengines.) Notice, there's no "add bookmark" within the menu and you have tohave the insight to right click on the displayed page to get this menu.)
Thanks for the suggestion -- I'll add some presets in the next release. One small correction: there *is* an "add bookmark" option, but it's labeled "Bookmark this page" for consistency with the right-click menu. You can also press Ctrl-D to get it, like in Firefox or Opera. I based my bookmarks interface on Opera's, since that's what I'm personally most familiar with (I think Firefox's is similar). So it makes sense to me, but it's probably a bit of a change from mainline Dillo's. I'll have to see what other users think so I know if I need to tweak it.
2) Copy & paste work only within the displayed page and not within the urlfield. (Although I really miss middle button pasting in Windows.)
The keyboard shortcuts (Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V, respectively) should work for both the page and URL field. Windows doesn't support X's select-and-middle-click mechanism. I agree that it would be really nice to have -- that and a decent terminal emulator like aterm would make my life so much nicer.
3) One thing I really dislike about Windows, there's no main package managerlike the Linux distributions for updating all of your other win32 open sourcepackages. Think most packages & drivers have been all implementing their ownupdate check routine within their Help menus, etc. Now, they just have to getthe idea of updating their own packages, such as Adobe Reader.
That would be nice too, although I'm not a fan of the Linux distribution system where you're depending on the distribution maintainers rather than the individual package developers to provide updates. Of course, that all goes back to the lack of proper binary compatibility on the platform, which is a completely different story altogether.
Dillo win32, installs within a few seconds or so. Dillo starts within a fewseconds too. Dillo win32 is functional as well.
Glad you like it! Georg wrote:
what I like about the Win32 version is the fact that it compiles to one standalone executable file. No dpi is used.
I rather like that, too ;-) Stephan wrote:
Hello, I just gave Dillo another try on Cygwin/X11 and got it working at least partially with cygwin 1.7.9. You need to compile FLTK using Cygwin libraries and X11: ./configure --enable-cygwin --enable-x11 && make install Because the dpis are installed with ".exe" extension (eg hello.dpi.exe) they aren't found by dpid. The extension is added by automake: http://www.gnu.org/s/hello/manual/automake/EXEEXT.html The Makefiles look like this: bookmarks_PROGRAMS = bookmarks.dpi$(EXEEXT) I don't know how to break automake of doing this for the dpis only, so I modified dpid to use .exe-extension on cygwin (see attached patch).
You can't get rid of the ".exe" extension, because Windows relies on the extension to identify executable files (rather than file permissions, like on Unix).
After starting the XServer (/usr/bin/XWin -multiwindow) you can run Dillo. Plain browsing with http using proxy and the bookmark & cookie dpis does work. The other dpi currently fail. - hello-dpi shows the dialog and without pressing any button the resultpage (Answer received: Window was closed). After pressing Yes dpid logs "ERROR: [a_Capi_dpi_send_data] No open connection found" - vsource just crashes - file, ftp and https can't connect: Dpi_get_server_port: can't read server port from dpid. ** ERROR **: dpi.c: can't start dpi daemon Looks like the socket implementation of cygwin still has some quirks which can maybe tracked down.
First of all, I'll just say from my own experience: sockets on Windows are a mess. The main problem is socket and file handles aren't interchangeable on Windows, so you can't e.g. dup2() stdio handles to a socket. DPI relies heavily on that trick, which is the main technical reason there's no native DPI on Windows. As I understand it, Cygwin implements a bunch of clever tricks to emulate the Unix sockets behavior, but they're quirky at best because of technical differences in the underlying system design.
Is there any interest to support this target on a source code basis? Thanks and Greets, Stephan
From what I've seen, the Dillo developers aren't interested in Windows at all, via Cygwin or otherwise. Of course, I don't want to put words into their mouths; Cygwin will probably require less extensive patching than a native port like mine, so you may have better luck than I have. I will say I'm personally not a fan of Cygwin, since it negates all the advantages Dillo provides: speed, efficiency, small size, easy installation. A native port like Dillo-Win32 doesn't involve any of Cygwin's complexity or overhead, so it's much more useful to the vast majority of Windows users. Side note: I'm working on a patch to provide native DPI on Windows. So far it compiles, but it's not functional yet, and it's *extremely* ugly code. Email me if you want a copy. Georg wrote:
I suggest to implement a configure option that causes the dpi functions tobe linked with the main dillo code. The dpic then needs to be adapted tocall these functions directly instead of forking a new process. This wouldgreatly simplify porting Dillo to other platforms. I guess the Dillo developers have already done this for their development sothey can step through the entire code with GDB. Georg
It's not quite as simple to do as you've described, but that's essentially what I've done with Dillo-Win32: move all the DPI functionality into the browser. Some of it, like HTTPS support and the downloader, is new code, but a lot of it is straight copy-and-paste -- for example, cookies, and the bookmarks backend (but not the user interface). I've also introduced some new features like a sockets abstraction layer that greatly help Dillo's portability. Dillo-Win32's a bad name for my project, because it's not _only_ for Windows, but since that was my original target the name stuck. I'd like to get my code into mainline (that was my goal from the start), but it requires extensive changes to Dillo's inner workings, and the DPI thing has been a bit of an issue. I'm not absolutely opposed to it, but I think the current implementation is deeply flawed, and I don't believe in implementing required functionality through an extension mechanism since required functionality is by definition not an extension. Anyway, sorry for the _obscenely_ long email, but I hope this covers everything. :-) Thanks again for all the feedback, suggestions, discussions, distractions, etc. Cheers, ~Benjamin

2) Copy & paste work only within the displayed page and not within the urlfield. (Although I really miss middle button pasting in Windows.)
The keyboard shortcuts (Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V, respectively) should work for both the page and URL field.
Windows doesn't support X's select-and-middle-click mechanism. I agree that it would be really nice to have -- that and a decent terminal emulator like aterm would make my life so much nicer.
Might want to check-out mintty. I just found-out about this new package within cygwin, and it's a replacement for the usual cygwin+windows commandline window. The reason it's so great, it allows mouse buttons to be used for copy & pasting within Windows! And, it put's a nice icon of itself on your desktop, similar to the cygwin+windows_commandline after installing from within cygwin. No X is required either.
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