Solid rectangular placeholder for non-supported images
Hello, I read a news flux where each news item comes with a small image. Dillo does not like the markup and replaces the image with a rectangular placeholder with a solid colour fill. This happens even when images loading is disabled (while other regular images are simply not displayed, but not replaced by a filled rectangle), and the colour fill seems to be randomly chosen at Dillo startup. I think this behaviour was not intentional. Right now the workaround is to not compile gif support. The placeholder is then replaced by the alt text, which I prefer to some brightly coloured rectangle. Version: Dillo 3.0.5 Page: Snippet: <img width="147" height="97" data-item-type="article" data-src="" src="" data-lazyload="true" alt="Les ministres..." title="..." onload="lmd.pic(this);" onerror="lmd.pic(this);" class="lazy-retina"> Thanks, J?r?me
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