[Dillo-dev]configurable page increment

Hello. I'd like to make the page increment configurable. I liked the old half-page behavior, and would like to be able to use that instead of the current "96% of the viewport" method. However, I don't really know where to start, or how to hook into dillo's configuration system. Ideally, I'd like to set values for how much to scroll on each type of scroll event: PgUp/Dn, Space/BkSpace, arrows, and the mouse wheel. (96%, 50%, 1 line, and 2 lines, respectively) I've found the code which configures one of these events, thanks to a snippet early on this list ("0.96 * allocation->height"), but don't know where/how to handle the others. So, any hints? Or, alternately, does anyone with more of a clue feel like adding this? -- Scott

On Sun, Dec 19, 2004 at 03:05:00PM -0700, Scott Scriven wrote:
hi there!
I'd like to make the page increment configurable. I liked the old half-page behavior, and would like to be able to use that instead of the current "96% of the viewport" method. However, I don't really know where to start, or how to hook into dillo's configuration system.
Ideally, I'd like to set values for how much to scroll on each type of scroll event: PgUp/Dn, Space/BkSpace, arrows, and the mouse wheel. (96%, 50%, 1 line, and 2 lines, respectively)
I've found the code which configures one of these events, thanks to a snippet early on this list ("0.96 * allocation->height"), but don't know where/how to handle the others.
So, any hints? Or, alternately, does anyone with more of a clue feel like adding this?
i could possibly be convinced to look into this after i finish the configuration as dpi project (which is getting started today!!!!) -brian -- "Now you know why I got the everliving hell OUT of Windows administration. Knowing it doesn't make it any easier. It's just broken-as-designed."
participants (2)
Brian Hechinger
Scott Scriven