I had the pleasure of trying out Dillo win32 and I must say I like it. (It starts a heck of alot faster then that bloated green lizard thing ... sorry, the name doesn't come to mind right now. ;-) Only one or two things. 1) When I first installed it. I was completely stumped as to how to use the bookmarks. I was trying to add a bookmark without going to the actual site first. One thing that could really eleviate all this, is by setting a few preset default bookmarks (ie. www.google.com, and other favorite search engines.) Notice, there's no "add bookmark" within the menu and you have to have the insight to right click on the displayed page to get this menu.) 2) Copy & paste work only within the displayed page and not within the url field. (Although I really miss middle button pasting in Windows.) 3) One thing I really dislike about Windows, there's no main package manager like the Linux distributions for updating all of your other win32 open source packages. Think most packages & drivers have been all implementing their own update check routine within their Help menus, etc. Now, they just have to get the idea of updating their own packages, such as Adobe Reader. Dillo win32, installs within a few seconds or so. Dillo starts within a few seconds too. Dillo win32 is functional as well.
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