Hi, On Mon, 2 Sep 2024 21:25:12 +0200 Rodrigo Arias <rodarima@gmail.com> wrote:
You need to find a pointer to BrowserWindow and pass it to a_UIcmd_reload(). Check a_Bw_num() and a_Bw_get() in src/bw.c.
We should reload the current page on all windows.
I'm not sure if we can do this from the context of a signal, we probably need to register a timeout in FLTK and handle it from there.
Probably not a very easy issue.
I didn't get much further with this yet, but in the meantime, here is a very simple example script which attempts to achieve the same goal. It opens the specified file in a new Dillo window and then automatically reloads the page whenever the file changes. Note that it only reloads the active tab. This relies on the 'entr' and 'xdotool' programs, but 'entr' can be easily replaced with a bit more scripting if desired. ```` #!/bin/sh # dillomon.sh # Monitor a local file for changes with Dillo # usage: dillomon.sh filename dillo $1 & sleep 1 echo $1 | entr xdotool key --window `xdotool search --classname Dillo | tail -1` ctrl+r ```` Regards, Alex