On Fri, 4 Apr 2003, Chris Palmer wrote:
Hi Jorge,
Why are you ignoring all my patches?
As the amount of email I receive is too large to answer, I work based on a priority list. People in dillo-dev know this.
If you think they are bad, please say so. Sending patches (at least one of which fixes a bug listed in your bugs database) and then having them ignored completely is disheartening.
Well, I think the text for "full-screen" and "Url-box" tooltips is OK, and as no-one else commented on it, I think they agree. As for the patch for a pop-up window with messages, I think the same as the poster who answered. The patch in the bugtrack: BUG#330: Type: misbehaviour Comments: Focus isn't set by default. URL box should get input focus initially, and after a URL is entered the main area should get focus. HTReproduce: Try to visit a page and scroll it without using the mouse. WorkedBy: nobody "... after a URL is entered the main area should get focus" Not the URL-box! (as the patch does). And as explained in the we site (New developer Info), we strive to find the root of the problem, not only workaround the symptom. Dillo-dev has hundreds of susbcribers, so I'm not the only one to complain for not answering (though it has become common that some messages remain unanswered, as everywhere). Reading the documentation in the site and adhering to it also helps to get an answer.
Also, why are my name and Randall Maas' name excised from the AUTHORS file? I found code that I wrote in Dillo and comments with my initials in them, and I'm pretty sure some of Randy's code is in Dillo, from the old Gzilla/Armadillo days.
When the dillo project started more than 3 years ago, I renamed the old changelog to "ChangeLog.old". It's been there since the beginning. I'm not sure if there's still some code from Randall. What I'm sure is that the IO code is completely new, and his name still appears in IO/Url.c (even though it was completely rewritten). Sincerely Jorge.-