Ups! This one was intented for the list. Sorry. --- El s?b, 11/7/09, Dario Rodriguez <darirf@yahoo.es> escribi?:
De: Dario Rodriguez <darirf@yahoo.es> Asunto: Re: [Dillo-dev] Re: [fltk.general] Cross-compiling Dillo to ARM Para: "Johannes Hofmann" <Johannes.Hofmann@gmx.de> Fecha: s?bado, 11 julio, 2009 9:07 Hi,
--- El vie, 10/7/09, Johannes Hofmann <Johannes.Hofmann@gmx.de> escribi?:
? ? Screenshot at: ? ? ???http://www.mobileread.com/forums/showpost.php?p=517459&postcount=92
Excellent! Is the softkeyboard support something that needs to be added to fltk, or are modifications to dillo needed? How is this handled for other apps? As the iliad is an e-ink book reader, its software is a bit unusual.
The changes are specific to the iliad software stack. All ported apps have to be modified to have the main window CLASS to be "sh" and call a couple o functions on an iliad library to enable the soft-keyboard button.
Not so long ago we had to also add a library call to update the screen whenever it changed, but we managed to build a daemon for that using the XDamage extension.
Cheers, Dario