If the tools menu holds a "My CSS" menu entry, holding a list of custom style sheets (.css files in ~/.dillo/), and allowing to apply it on-the-fly (similar to "Panel Size"), it would be quite handy.
The only real use I see with different styles are those whom work at night, or are just light sensitive (AKA old age) like me. (Aside from those that want pretty colors.)
We may include some pre-made ones, as the dark background Rogut suggested (readability), larger font, etc.
<shrugs> I'm still using the suggested dark style css posted to this thread. Haven't had any issues with it yet, else I would have switched back to default. One issue I recall now, there is a flash of total white background on page reload. If any page flashing, should use the default background color within the style css settings.
[...] When browsing at night, I sometimes use the following snippet with Firefox. Works with dillo too. Colors could use some tweaking.
* { font-family: 'M+ 1p' !important; background:#1E2426 !important; color:#C7C7C7 !important; border-color:#6B8299 !important; border-width:0.1em !important; } a { color:#C17B6C !important; } hr, h1, h2, h3, h4 { margin-bottom:0.2em !important; } th, td { padding:0.1em !important; } a { text-decoration:underline !important; border:none !important; } a:hover { text-decoration:none !important; } input, select, button, textarea { color:#548A1E !important; }
Just appended this line:
:visited {color: #008080 !important}
to it.
Yea, the links can be tricky when changing colors. -- Roger http://rogerx.freeshell.org/