On Mon, 14 Jul 2003 10:18 am, Diego Sáenz wrote:
I have see the dpi code and think that it is a very good approach. Only one think: how do you integrate a plug-in without patch dillo? I known that dpi is not finished, but i am impatient. If the PIs can add menu entries to dillo menus it can be easy to start/call a PI when a menu entrie is clicked and the PI can ask some dillo state(like url below the mouse) or open a save dialog or etc using a dpi tag. A cfg file can asociate prefix(ftp://), sufix(.swf) and menu entries with PIs. It can be modified on PI install or be generated. There must be some code for dinamics menus in dillo for history yet. About PIs that render to a zone in a web page it can be done like Sylpheed-claws integrate dillo in it(GTK X sockets or something that i think). I hope to help something even if nobody ask.
Also, would the dpi code also allow shockwave, java, client-side scripts, and other plugins to be added, if re-written (ie, utilising kaffe for java). I know that the plugins themselves will take a LOT of work, but I'm asking about the actual dpi...