On Fri, 12 Nov 2010 18:03:31 -0500, corvid <corvid@lavabit.com> wrote:
Joerg wrote:
Primary issue with depending on certain C99 stuff is that Microsoft still hasn't managed to support it in the runtime library or insists on doing it in incompatible ways. E.g. %lld doesn't work on Windows.
Yeah, I see that on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C99#Implementations , level of support is generally 'mostly' or 'partial'. I was thinking that it might be valuable to decide on what subset is all right (which, admittedly, "Using gcc and not seeing any warnings" can be regarded as, after a fashion. :) -- even if only to bring awareness of "Oh, this is a C99ism; I hadn't realized." The dillo site does spell out, for instance, that for C++, "We also try to keep the C++ relatively simple. Dillo does use inheritance and templates, but that's about all."
I'm not sure how formal our guidelines would need to be, but if the main problem is Windows support, whatever subset we're currently using is just fine. The only problems I've encountered are upstream FLTK bugs (their Windows version is frankly abysmal), and explicit Unix-isms, mostly involving inter-process communication. For what it's worth I'm using gcc-3.4.6 from MinGW 5.1.6. A little outdated, I know, but it's the last version with a coherent installer. ~Benjamin