Hi Alex, On Fri, Jun 14, 2024 at 05:25:16PM +0200, a1ex@dismail.de wrote:
The previous examples could be written in ~/.dillo/rulesrc as:
action "Open with MPV" shell "mpv $url" action "Open with Feh" shell "feh -- $url" action "Open with Firefox" shell "firefox $url"
Which only defines a set of available actions, and by default they appear on the link menu as you suggest. I think using a small language is a more elegant solution than trying to squeeze the menu label and the command in a single dillorc option.
I like this approach, but not sure how much I can help with it.
I've made a proof of concept. It is still ugly, but it seems to be working: https://github.com/dillo-browser/dillo/pull/199 The syntax is the one I commented before. Here is my rulesrc file: action "Open with MPV" shell "mpv $url" action "Open with MPV (only audio)" shell "mpv --no-video $url" action "Open with Firefox" shell "firefox $url" And here is how it looks like: https://0x0.st/XcyR.png
For now, I have taken the example you gave and made barebones patch to add an external handler to the link menu. It works quite well for me, in fact its something I'll probably be using every day. A real time saver.
Its obviously nowhere near as featureful as what you are proposing, but for the time being, it gets the job done :)
Thanks for the patch. I will try to have something merged soon to at least cover this feature. But if I it gets stuck, I wouldn't mind merging your patch or something similar. Best, Rodrigo.