On Wed, 14 Sep 2011 01:08:12 -0400, Roger <rogerx.oss at gmail.com> wrote:
It sounds like they need to upgrade their present libpng from libpng-1.2.46 to libpng-1.4.* though.
(No, the mingw32 is something ming windows related. Cygwin related??)
Not Cygwin -- MinGW's the native GNU compiler for Windows (what I use for Dillo-Win32). Fedora ships MinGW -- and some popular libraries compiled for it -- to allow cross-compiling Windows software from Linux.
On Gentoo, libpng-1.4.8 is marked stable. And the old version here on Gentoo is libpng-1.2.44 & libpng-1.2.45. (libpng-1.4.7 is masked and libpng-1.4.5 is the old stable version here.)
I don't know about Fedora, since they're typically more bleeding edge, but RHEL usually lags a couple major versions behind on most packages, and backports critical security and other fixes to the old version as necessary. It's an extremely expensive and time-consuming system, but it's the only way they can ensure stability when the prevailing culture is against backwards compatibility and stable API's. At least Red Hat's big enough they can get away with it. ~Benjamin