On Wednesday January 14 at 07:26pm Eric GAUDET <eric@rti-zone.org> wrote:
It seems you don't have a font for the text/plain mime type. I believe it's the fixed-width font. Try changing in your dillorc the value of fw_fontname (default is courier). If it doesn't work, try vw_fontname also.
Both were already set, vw to helevetica and fw to courier. I tried changing vw to courier, but it just made everything look real ugly. Still crashed in the same way. Attached is my dillorc.
What's your platform again?
Debian Linux (unstable, with X from experimental) -- -johann koenig Now Playing: The Byrds - Turn! Turn! Turn! (To Everythi : Forrest Gump (Disc 2) Today is Setting Orange, the 15th day of Chaos in the YOLD 3170 My public pgp key: http://mental-graffiti.com/pgp/johannkoenig.pgp