Hi, I'm Florent BERANGER, from Flonix company (http://www.flonix.com). We like Dillo because it's small and fast :) I've just tested the 0.8.3rc1, the rendering is really better :) Here 2 remaining bugs I've found : - some hardcoded accented characters (for exemple use "é" in the place of "é" in HTML code) aren't properly displayed. - the pages background must be white by default (actually grey). We currently working to port the "crystal" icon set to Dillo. Since done, you'll can add it in icons page :) We are very interested by Tabs support feature. I saw some patchs for this feature. How can we compile Dillo 0.8.3 with them ? Thanks for your good works, Best regards, Florent http://www.flonix.com ************************ ADSL ILLIMITE TISCALI + TELEPHONE GRATUIT ************************ Surfez 40 fois plus vite pour 30EUR/mois seulement ! Et téléphonez partout en France gratuitement, vers les postes fixes (hors numéros spéciaux). Tarifs très avantageux vers les mobiles et l'international ! Pour profiter de cette offre exceptionnelle, cliquez ici : http://register.tiscali.fr/adsl (voir conditions sur le site)