Hi, Sorry for the slightly unrelated post, higuita writes:
On Wed, 24 Nov 2004 17:57:19 -0500 (EST), "Chris de Vidal" <Chris@deVidal.tv> wrote:
Switched vw_fontname to "-misc-fixed-bold-r-normal--12-120-75-75-c-0-iso8859-1"
kernel version, but running KDE 3.3 not XFCE. Looks beatiful, just like the screenshot.
probably kde installed truetype fonts... try to do the xfontsel in that computer and compare then
You probably mean 'xlsfonts', which will list all the fonts the current X server has access to (in a nicer format for comparison, than xfontsel). Chris, regarding your Debian box, make sure you have correctly configured your '/etc/fonts/local.conf' configuration file. Specifically, I have found that most Debian default installations disable bitmapped fonts, due to the use of anti-aliased or truetype fonts used in most applications and/or window managers. Uncomment the lines around: <dir>/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts</dir> After you do that, run: $ defoma-reconfigure and $ fc-cache -f Another issue is that fonts with "odd" sizes are butt-ugly. In this respect, try adding 0.1 to your "font_factor" variable in your dillorc file (if it's 1.0 set it to 1.1, if it's 1.1 set it to 1.2, for example). It usually makes very little difference in the final font size, but makes it a _big_ difference in scalability. There was something else I was going to suggest, but I forget now... If I remember I'll write. Sorry, have to run now, good luck, and hope this helps, -- Livio B. Soares