On Wed, 2 Mar 2016 21:48:22 +0100 Johannes Hofmann <Johannes.Hofmann at gmx.de> wrote:
As buffered_drawing=2 uses Fl_Double_Window from FLTK which in turn tries to use the Xorg DOUBLE-BUFFER extension, you might want to try xdpyinfo | grep DOUBLE-BUFFER to see if this extension is enabled on your system and either disable or enable it in your xorg.conf to see if that makes a difference.
DOUBLE-BUFFER extension is enabled and running on my system. I made some experiments disabling it in the config file and restarting X. Checked it's presence with "xdpyinfo | grep DOUBLE-BUFFER" and it was missing. Then the ugly flashing artifacts disappeared from Dillo and with buffered_drawing=2 the flickering still appears, visually similar to that of buffered_drawing=1, but much less intrusive. All tests are made by loading some page in the browser and then dragging the window edge in order to resize the window. -- http://fresh.flatassembler.net http://asm32.info John Found <johnfound at asm32.info>