Hello I'm new to both dillo and fltk. I'm trying to do two things and I'm hoping you can point me in the right directions on how to do it. 1) flicker at reload When doing a reload my screen flickers and I'd like to get rid of that. I first tried the dillorc option buffered_drawing=0/1/2 but that didn't make any difference. I then tried to find the source where the screen is cleared before redrawing the page. I followed the source of redraw() until layout.cc where topLevel->draw() is executed but I cannot find its implementation. Is the flickering an fltk issue or where is the screen cleared? 2) externally trigger reload I'd like to trigger a page reload externally by another application. I searched a bit about IPC mechanisms of fltk but didn't find any. So I'm thinking about using a UNIX fifo or the system signal SIGUSR2. Do you think this is a good approach? Many thanks Stefan.