By the way, jcid@, I heard you were at FOSDEM, and were staying with Mind.be, which one were you again, I was staying there with the MirOS/MirBSD hackers, I stayed up all night working on ports, so I probably saw you downstairs sometime hacking away (or listening to those comical Plan9 fellows talk ;))
There were two guys with long black hair. One was the Plan9 speechman, the other was me. ...and, we spend more than an hour talking to each other that night. ;)
BTW, there was a guy in the room, playin funny music on his notebook. Was it you? :-)
Now I know who you were, heh, I was that blond young fellow, not the german guy, I am/was the American. I had a shitty old IBM Thinkpad with a big BSD sticker on the back, I came down later, after all the MirOS(/BSD) fellows had gone to sleep. That Plan9 fellow was awfully opinionated wasn't he? :-P He discarded the FreeBSD Project as anything worth a damn on the grounds that "how can a OS be respected that doesn't even have their own compiler?" Oh well, it was fun, I'm almost certain that i'll be coming to FOSDEM next year, you should coax Mind.be into flying you over again (hopefully the FLTK port is completely usable by then ;)) Btw, are you going to do anything GNU/specific with the FLTK port, or will there be the possibility of porting Dillo/FLTK to Windows (blech! but still, OSS on Windows is useful :)) -R. Tyler Ballance